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Thanks for Visiting the OpenSource TinyHouse website: Use the social icons to you left share this video!!
Wow! I think this is my most favorite video of yours by a mile! Very well done!
Loved it mate! Subbed.
Love the light colors matching the temperature for the day!! Implementing that right now! Cheers
What animation do you use for the wake up and the climate on the light strip ???
Hey Joe curious the dimmer brand on your closet? The one that has single/double tap function.
Love it but would love you to explain in detail how you did it!
You look like a serial killer wtf
This was amazing
Going to be moving into a new home in a couple of weeks .. Mom supports the idea of a smart house . Can i message you for some furthur insight? Great
video btw ! the alarm part made me laugh
Hi I just found you and couldn’t help subscribing. I’m a huge fan of the creativity you poured into seeking out applications of smart technologies.
My life would be complete if I knew how to announce the time for the alarm clock. I’ve looked online for 30 mins… seriously?! No luck…. THANKS JOE
I’m scared somebody will hack into my house and lock me out 😂😂😂
Quality content!
During the whole time I was watching this video I was distracted on how tiny that house is. It that one of those tiny homes that you see on TV? Or do you just live in California where overpriced houses are the norm? I wonder if you spent more money on the upgrades that you did on the actual house.
Had to sub after the Alexa Vs google fight lol
Siri, Alexa and Google Home argue.
“Hey, all I wanted was coffee”.
Back to the Future reference?
Love the space
The door code is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, isnt it?
1:11 what on earth are you HUMPING?!!
What bedside lamp is that?
Wow you sure made a lot with what space you got. I’m in a 2200 square feet house. Trying my best in make the house smart. Not always very successful in that though. Ask my wife. 😁
“Transferring all your money to the prince of Nigeria.”, had me rolling.
Good show
Super cool home. Subscribed
Am i the only one who notices his eyes dude looks like the retarded football player from waterboy
He can see into the future with those glasses
This was a cool video! Some advice though, don’t title this video tiny home or people are gonna get the wrong idea. This was a surprisingly interesting video nonetheless.
If your house is small then mine was tiny
Around how much did u pay to build your house I’m 16 and I can buy land where I live for cheap so Im saving up to build a house
I wouldn’t mind living in that tiny home. Wow, talk about a tiny home pack with cool features.
1:20 nah, I think I’d 100% dislike having that music, that voice and the time being spoken to me to attempt to wake me up. No, don’t mind me…as I’m going to sort of rip this apart, BUT in a good way. I like what you’re doing, I just personally have issues with it. Don’t take offense to my opinion, as I’m into the I.T. field, so ‘high tech’ to me is a bit different, regardless if this is ‘smart home features’ or not lol. So onwards!
Me, I’d rather go from dim or no lights to brighter than the fucking sun lighting, with some harder music playing (slowly fading in), giving me inspiration to say ‘Fuck people this morning’ and get up.
1) I’d 100% not want to be ‘pushing a big red button’ for snooze mode. I’d rather it automatically snoozed every 2-5 minutes and completely yelled at me louder each time till I got up. After a specific time, I’d rather it scream at me “Get the fuck up, Josh. You want to afford to live in this house?” *Repeat until trigger* This will then be triggered off once you pass a motion sensor that turns on the light for the hallway. So, if you will, an ‘if this, then that’ statement stopping this process.
2) The ‘auto destruct’ thing sounds a bit…1980s. Maybe 70s? I feel as if you’re going backwards in time with this. If this was in that era, it’ll feel ‘high tech’, otherwise, it kind of feels redundant. I certainly wouldn’t want this to be voice-automated, as I don’t want to fall asleep at 3am and have an alarm set for 6:30am (due to an urgent meeting at 8am prompt) and then ‘accidentally’ just feel less likely to ‘get up’ so I mumble ‘Hey Google, turn off the alarm’ and it actually does it. I’d rather this be a non-voice automated command. OR if it is voice activated, something hard to say so I can’t try and say it with low sleep lol. I understand your little ‘transfer money’ thing, BUT I’d rather it just not respond at all and then completely keep going.
3) The weather. Nah, I don’t want a voice assistant screaming when I wake up the weather or driving conditions. Instead, I’d rather listen to music to ‘pump me up’ for wanting to actually get up (not like anyone ‘really’ wants to get up early, motivation is key) SO instead, I’d rather physically see this. Queue: “Magic Mirror”. I’d rather setup a few Raspberry Pis around the house (Bedroom, Hallway, Bathroom, etc) that dictate the weather and driving conditions, setup to my personal data. However, if there is multiple people, then it’ll just be setup to a generic region/area. This being said, you could also just utilize the same idea as the ‘magic mirror’ and setup weather widgets behind a 2-way glass with various other widgets, instead of using that ‘sort of’ half baked software. Granted, I like it…it’s just not really functional to my standards. *YET, I still use it lol*
4) Leaving and letting your tech turn off and lock automatically. I understand the premise, but this is where, instead of setting this up to your cell phone (which, in my experience isn’t secure or even a good way to secure your house…lol), I personally would rather setup sensors around the house per each room and door, along with times (via a set schedule) to trigger events to happen. For example, I’d rather at 8:30AM, the heat dials back an extra 10 degrees, some lights dim, others completely shut off, the door manually locks (security reasons, I’d rather have steel door jams painted white with a biometric lock compared to some IoT device controlling my lock; Whilst a few low-tech security cameras, connected to only Intranet, are recording. Sensors around windows to trigger when open, which alert ‘window open’, etc). As far as why not to use cell phone — I have had my fair share of my phone: dying, breaking, losing signal, getting stolen OR even simply forgetting my keys and phone in my house. I’d rather keep that tech as simple as possible, giving me the security of ‘always’ being able to get into my house, regardless if something went wrong. It’s not like I expect to lose my hand or cut off my thumb as much as i’d expect to replace a phone (or let it die due to plans going farther than expected).
5) Away mode. I like the premise, however again — I have issues with your personal tech connecting with your house tech. I feel it’s less secure to have your devices synced into the same account, as if my phone gets stolen (by someone who was watching my house, or even can trace this back), you’re essentially inviting someone to just legally break into the house (since the phone is essentially the lock) and do whatever they please whilst you’re actually at work, the gym, out for a jog or doing whatever daily activity you usually would do. For safe of mind, I’d rather keep these separate. However, ‘away mode’ setup through sensors, times of day or ‘routines’ make far more sense for energy conservation, and equally as much sense for security — since, in any case, your routine shouldn’t deviate much (unless you aren’t working a standard hour job), this gives you a ‘piece of mind’ that always at ‘this specific time’ you will ‘always’ have this in place. The phone one..well…I’ve ‘accidentally’ broken my phone walking out of my house before, whilst leaving my keys inside. I’d rather keep the tech functional, verses ‘oh cool look at me’ lol.
6) Unlocking doors through watch or phone. Note above.
7) Enter combination code — This is fine, except that it still inherently has the flaws listed above due to the ‘smart phone/watch’ feature.
8) Walking in the door, ready to go — I like this premise. Except, I’d rather this, once more, be triggered with motion sensors and timing schedules, as I’ve literally ran inside myself to grab a drink from the kitchen, via the kitchen door, and if ‘everything’ powers on, that’s a giant waste of electricity I’d be consuming verses just having the lights kick-on as I enter.
9) Keypad lighting — Okay, I can understand this. Carry on.
10) Voice commanded appliances — understandable. Carry on.
11) AIs arguing lol. Nice touch to the video. 10/10 for this haha.
12) The rest of the video I agree with.
Dude great video love the rgb garden lol keep up the great work !
No no no.. A 100% automation takes away the fun of human interaction with the house/surroundings.. Gets boring after a while.. Makes you lethargic with an already overweight population in most parts of the world.. This kills an activity lifestyle which is the basis of many illnesses staying away from us.. Water sensors Safety sensors maybe 1 more are OK but not any further
Best smart home tour in youtube i would say. Relax and calm, no crazy music, and you just gave me tonnes of ideas to further my home automation