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Banana Bonbony says
In fact you are a dirty hippie
Mama Khemmy Flowers says
I love this!!!! 🙂
nina banina says
guy with a six pack… all i notice
1soulsurfer says
Ya know reading some of these comments….people need to be slapped!! 🙂
Eddie Last says
The interior reminds me of Fred Flintstone’s house
Io Witter says
I loved that there were no hard angles – and it was all at angles: awesomeÂ
Darin Warren says
I live in a house made of boards, nails, drywall, carpet, metal gadgetry etc. All which also came from the ground. Stuff can from from one of two places. The ground, or the air. Drywall, nails and carpet doesn’t come from the air, therefore it comes from the ground. Â
jim kidman says
Cool mud brick house
CareandCompassion says
I want to build a house like this, but incorporate a lot more large stones I find into the exterior, and put the house at least half submerged into a hill. I would want to make it bigger, enough space to have a quality wood stove and have room for junk I will recycle into useful tools and have fun projects. I want it to be in the northern Canadian wilderness and have a greenhouse attached off the side. I also want to have a cellar that stays cool all year around and a place indoors where I can grow potatoes and mushrooms the entire year too. Make tons of preserves for the winter and hole up with my books, writing and plenty of tinkering. I want to have maybe one window, I like the idea of cave life.. that would have me snug as a bug for sure
invisibletenants says
Does the clay NEED to have horse crap in it? Can it be done without? I don’t like the idea of living in horseshit very much but I would be inderested in building something like this.. out of plain mud, not horseshit..
Am I the only one Comment says
She needs a carpet just to roll around with her dog? Lonely nights I guess.
I want to see the finished one
Patricia O says
Hello L Ortiz. Â It’s called humor. Â And I am a carpenter. Â Which is why I watched the video. Â Beautiful house to all who worked on it.Â
Steve Mano says
I saw abs only.
sam morgans says
Who will build a city with me
Michelle Grace says
Wow! Really gorgeous!
Dane Findley says
a relevant video for these times of excess and the re-emergence of intentional #minimalism  – I was enthralled!  (hat tip: +Tuck Ngun)
Mark Gailmor says
I have no desire to live in a shoebox. I hear of too many stories of people that build tiny homes and then they rent large storage to stash all of their stuff. No thank you. I have a couple of big dogs, and children so I need more space. Yes, I will be building cob home. No, it will not be tiny. No, it will not be a McMansion either.
bob Last says
Where is the bathroom?
Nicole Junkin says
I love it! Personally I would need a bit more space, simply because I have a husband and child. Â My question though is where are the bathroom and kitchen?
LivingMindfully1975 says
The shirtless nerdy guys with abs come with the house, right?
747epecan1 says
Hot guys with hot bodies in a hot house sweaty fun sounds great
P arjacpar says
If you go to Devon/Cornwall in the uk you will find loads of cob house that have been built 100’s of years ago and still are lived in and there standard house size
Benny A says
If you used hay for binding instead of manure, would the walls look as smooth?
Gonnaneed Abiggerboat says
Very sweet …
TheWarrrenator says
Mike and Greg are hot. More cute, half naked hippy dudes, please, Kirsten.
Jenny Johnson says
I am very interested in the adorable tiny cob home, but that man is wearing that baby way too low! Baby’s head should never be at a chin-to-chest angle and nothing should be covering baby’s face. In fact, if you can’t easily kiss the top of your baby’s head while wearing him/her, it is time for an adjustment.
Monika Hill says
Beautiful work, guys! Love the attention to detail. How long did it take to complete? Approximate number of full work days? Just two guys building? Can you give the ratio of materials used for interior plaster? Thanks in advance!
Kosh800 says
Oh god those wasp nests in that house!
subtledawn says
I don’t understand how this is a ‘hobbit house’. A hobbit house is underground/earth sheltered. This has an earthen roof, but it is just a a typical cob building, not a hobbit house… You should change the title of the video because it’s misleading. Great video still, just not what I was expecting from the title.
subtledawn says
I didn’t like the ‘drainage holes’ in the side of the roof. Why not spend a little more and direct the drainage into rain barrels? Isn’t she worried about the water splashing all over the side of the building when it drains? Maybe this is a dryer climate, I live in a rainforest climate so I can’t imagine those holes being good for the wall below it…
Priscilla P. Wood says
I would love to build this and I live in Chapel Hill too! I wonder how much is to build something similar.
Denny Pugh says
I am not quite sure how they get this by the building code here in North Carolina. A “dwelling unit” is suppose to include toilet and kitchen facilities. In my county (Randolph) they do not accept ANY composting toilets or gray water systems and claim none are approved for use in North Carolina per the health (septic systems) inspections dept.
TheNostromozero says
Nice home, but does not even vaguely resemble a hobbit house.
805gregg says
Unfortunately when you build with shit all you end up with is taller shit
Karima Osmani says
A couple of billion years…
Maximilian Mc Donald says
this is amazing
Sighs Internally says
and for normal people with kids and friends? and a bathroom with you know, a bath?
Tom Mavrakos says
too small