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I’ve always been such a fan of Airstreams and this is without a doubt one of the coolest renovations I’ve seen so far! I hope you all enjoy the video tour of this beautiful home. As always, thanks for watching! With love, Bryce & Rasa
Love the folk singin’!
i like those……Im not a tiny house person…I see them..people do a good job with them and my clothing wouldn’t fit in them….literally…airstreams at great and Id love to have one for dragging to the beach on a weekend vacation….but not to actually live in.
Is this winterized? Said he was going up north so I was wondering.
Breathtaking. The only criticism for me is the LandOLakes in the refrigerator.
Inside the home is so beautiful,seeing the outside i can’t believe it’s really the inside it’s gorgeous.and such humble guy.
Excellent, just Excellent.
Tiny houses are better than big
Calm life its lovely decorated calm white the nice dude
Loveliest tiny house
I wonder where the host of this show lives.
A grandparent’s dream. It is so good to see in this generation. Happy trails, August. Your future is bright.
I’m in love with how beautifully organized and clean is that man
Gosh he has an amazing voice, is he anywhere online for music, IG doesn’t have much?
Battery in a wet room
Not only a decorator/renovator of excellance … can play guitar and sing too… sheeeeeesh some peeps have taken all the talent… 😄😄😄
Lovely camper – great story … safe journeys & thanks for sharing… Huge hug from Cape Town…
Yea, TOTALLY, absolutely 🤣
Is he single?
This is one of the best designed Airstream/trailers I have ever seen. What I see is a man who has a whole lot going for him, talent in design, carpentry, and a wonderful personality. Wherever you go your beautifully designed home will follow. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I am so impressed.
Me: So where’d you put all of the electrical?
Him: Under the sink in the bathroom.
Me: 0_0
Vow, this is a very good caravan, it can be carried on for so long.
The shot of the Airstream on the beach was great!
waiting for January to build a tiny house
This is literally my favorite airstream layout i freaking love everything about it
Bryce looks like a male version of the King Princess) can’t stop thinking about it trough the video haha
I want to live with this person lol
Very amazing design like it a lot!
Absolutely favorite ❤
Im looking forward to having minds looking that good wow.1969 Concord.