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You have a beautiful nice clean spacious home and you all look so happy and that’s all that matter not the space size but just as long as you’re together and comfortable and living well as a family so I wish you all the best☺
That guy needs to talk louder wtf, irritating
That doesn’t look like a school bus but a city bus, transportation bus.Give me a old greyhound bus and it’s on!
Lol, this looks similar to my trailer but my trailer is considerably bigger than this.
Honestly so cool I’d rather live there than my house.
$30? That’s it? Nice job for 30 THAT’S for sure. That’s a Nice home
Definitely love the idea of raising the roof! That’s the single thing that takes it from “converted bus” to “tiny house”!
Very nice and neat. 👍
@ 7:24
The living area looks so spacious but it’s only 220 ft² total.
I admire people who can be so ultra-organized to live in such a small space so well.
Our house (rental) is 600 ft² but it looks (& feels) really confined.
Although we do have a full-size refrigerator & a full-size kimchee refrigerator in the kitchen. An XL washer & XL dryer in the bathroom. Plus a desk with a PC in two different rooms. And a DJ style stereo system. (Two record players & a mixer in a coffin, 19″ rack stereo system, two JBL MP215 speakers on tripod speaker stands.) Plus a queen size bed, a hospital bed, and too much furniture. (example: We have seven matching 7′ tall bookshelves in the spare bedroom.)
Wish they would explain what these mobile tiny home people do for a living… so many watch and wonder, “could I do this, what about money????”. So, go to the next step, show how they live like this.