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Thanks for Visiting the OpenSource TinyHouse website: Use the social icons to you left share this video!!
I’m one person and I could live in one of these, just a few more square
feet, though.
lousy filming..didnt get any feel of the place..
lousy filming..didnt get any feel of the place..
not dichotomy you’re looking for “juxtaposition” 🙂
Learned that from high school photography class
Has anyone come across a video of a tiny house designed with entertainment
in mind? Like PC setup, big TV and whatnot. I realize there would be
sacrifices elsewhere, perhaps, but all the ones I come across don’t seem to
be made for actually “living” in.
Exactly what I thought… I want a couple places for art work. Plus you can
see out in the day but at night it is hard to see who might be looking
in…😬 Gives me the creeps. High window’s for light and a few big window’s
for the view.👍☺
Big old boring beam… 😃😄😀 Sounds like something Brian Regan would say.
Love the beam not the walls. Color I want color. lol
How long is this trailer???????????
You remind me of McGee from NCIS for some reason
outside was nice, inside is ugly
The interior is very bland and confining. But I’m a creative, and would
paint and decorate this little home into the most cozy place on the planet
And despite what he said about the windows, I’d open the place up with
bigger windows, and even consider putting a skylight over the kitchen and
it could be nicer if it didnt have so much crappy multicolor wood
everywhere, it really makes it look halfass, throw alittle paint or even
matching wood would go along way. overall its cool
I really like the layout and house other than the walls and flooring
I lived in Egypt for a little over a year and had a bathroom that was the
shower or vice versa. I didn’t like it at all. everything gets wet. 😒
Love his voice!
Love it but I can’t do that type of bathroom lol